About us
Molly of Denali is an award-winning animated PBS KIDS series, produced by GBH Kids, that follows the adventures of curious and resourceful 10-year-old Molly Mabray, an Alaska Native girl who lives in the fictional village of Qyah, Alaska. Molly helps her Mom and Dad run the Denali Trading Post - a general store, bunkhouse, and transport hub - where she assists tourists, trekkers and scientists, and sometimes rides along in Mom's bush plane or makes deliveries via dog sled. Molly of Denali is the first nationally distributed children's series to feature a Native American and Alaska Native lead character. Informational text, the underlying curriculum for Molly of Denali, is integrated into the series’ episodes, games, app, website and assets for educators, families and kids.
GBH Kids is one of the top producers for public media, creating educational content for kids, parents, caregivers and teachers, including iconic PBS Kids programs such as the award-winning Arthur and Molly of Denali, digital series such as Scribbles and Ink, games, apps and podcasts. GBH Kids, based in Boston, also works closely with PBS LearningMedia, providing digital curricula for more than 2 million teachers across all 50 states. GBH Kids is committed to equity and access to educational media and the healthy development of all children. As the inventor of closed captioning and audio description, GBH is dedicated to making media accessible and inclusive. Find more information at gbh.org/kids
MOLLY OF DENALI® is produced by GBH Kids and Atomic Cartoons.
The Molly of Denali ® series is funded in part by Target.
© 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 WGBH Educational Foundation. Molly of Denali and GBH Kids are trademarks of WGBH Educational Foundation.